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The Ride of A Lifetime


In my last writing the last thing I spoke about was going for a ride to "clear my head" since it was my birthday and things had not turned out the way I wanted them to. Well now I would like to share how that went from just a ride to a ride of a lifetime.

My son, who was 3 or 4 at the time was normally my shadow and went most times with me. This particular time he happened to be taking a nap, so I was able to leave without him. I get in the car and proceed to ride around the small town of Clarkdale that I lived in at the time. When I started riding, I wasn't looking for anything or anyone in particular. I think the thought of riding out to my ex-house crossed my mind, I probably actually did right out there, since the break-up was still semi fresh, I tend to ride past his house a few times. Yep, I guess I was borderline stalker, I am sure I am definitely not the only one who's done this one before. So, after riding past his house, I just continued to ride around town. While riding, I came across some guy, he was random, hadn't ever seen him around town before, that was pretty normal, I was from a different part of town than I was riding in, so it was no surprise that I didn't know the guy. However, not knowing him didn't stop me from looking at him and him from looking at me. After riding pass and noticing that we were both looking at each other, I decided to slow down to see if he would keep walking or if he would slow down as well. Well, I was right, when he noticed me slowing down, he did slow down and once he got close enough, he did start walking in the direction of my vehicle. Once he made it to the vehicle, we did speak and acknowledge the eye contact that had taken place. He asked for a ride a ride to the other side of town, and I asked for a name and age. The age I was given didn't seem wrong or suspicious at the time, so I went with it. Sometimes people can look older or younger than they really are. On the way to the place where he'd asked to be dropped off at, we made small talk, mainly me asking questions just to learn a little bit more about him and to pass time and make the ride less awkward that it already was.

Once we arrived at his "home" of course he asked if I would like to come inside for a little while, and in my state of mind of course I agreed.

This is just the beginning of the moments that led up to the events that changed my life forever. If you have not subscribed to this blog, already feel free to do so now. If you would like to share a moment that changed your life,

forever feel free to leave it in the comments or if you have anything to say, drop a comment or an inbox. Come back soon for part 2 of "The Ride of a Lifetime" Thank you so much for reading! God bless you all!!

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