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The Introduction of What's to Come


First of all I want to thank you all for hanging with me and coming back reading and taking this journey with me. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. As I said in my last blog, I will be writing on a different topic but I can promise you that they will all connect in the end. I actually want to start two different topics what I will write about in what I want to call "series" In both of these series I will be giving you the real, RAW transparent stories about things that I have encountered on this journey called life. Some will be happy times, some will be sad times. Some will be good times, some will be bad times, but through it all these are MY times that I have felt led to share with you and the world. I pray that my story will come out and bless someone else and truly portray the grace and mercy of God, the love God has for His children, and last but not least the strength of a determined woman! Feel free to laugh with me, cry with me, pray with me and get to know some of the most intimate details of my journey.

One series that I will be writing about (which I started in my last blog) is my life as a registered sex offender. I can assure you that for many different reasons this is NOT an easy topic to write about so openly. Just from scrolling social media , reels, and post I know that the internet can be a cold, dark, very judgmental space. I know that people can take the smallest portion of your life that you choose to display and the comments can be very rude, cruel and heartbreaking to those involved. So for me to openly place myself in the line of fire and be so transparent and open and leave very little to the imagination is NOT an easy task. I have family, babies, friends, and coworkers that could all come across what i say and judge me in any way that they may see fit. Even more I don't want any backlash of my actions to affect my children anymore than it already has in the past.

However, although it is not easy, it is necessary. I have already been judged, I have already been dragged through social media, I have already been talked about loudly, whispered about, and been the topic of several "group chats/text". I have been falsely accused because of being on the registry and prejudged before anyone got to know the real me. Lost several opportunities for jobs, housing, relationships, and friendships. So as hard as it is to tell my story, this time at least I get to tell it, I get to give details that are facts and not assumptions, I get to be the narrator and I get to choose how its presented. I can't control how it is received and I am mentally preparing myself to accept that all feedback won't be positive feedback. This time i get to share the ups, the downs, the good, the bad, all my lost that I have experienced since that cold day in Feb of 2010. So I will begin that series and I think I will call it "Life on the 'SOR'" (SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY) . So please join me for this series and enjoy. Feel free to leave any post, comment and share. I can certainly use all the encouragement and positive feedback you can offer.

I will also be starting a series to share with you all my journey of relocation from MS and homelessness. Very few people, i mean very FEW, know/knew that my family and I had been homeless for quite a while before I moved from MS and when I relocated to Minnesota. lt was not an easy thing to live through and not easy to discuss either. However, I will be opening up and sharing my family and I experience of "couch hoping", relocation, and life in a homeless shelter in a new surrounding with no family and friends. Again, feel free to leave any positive comments, words of encouragement and also feel free to share as well. This is not posting to "tell my business" or put myself out there but 2024 is my year to use everything that the devil meant for my bad and allow God to turn it around for my good! I am determined that something good will come out of me writing, sharing, and posting. God will get the glory and He will also allow my story to bless others and Him in return bless me as well for my obedience and tangibleness. So sit buckle up and get ready for the journeys to come!!

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