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A Period of Preparation (or the lack thereof)


In my last blog I left off still in a state of waiting. With my case being considered bigger and more serious than others, there was a longer waiting period for my trial to come around. So, in the meantime, we spent that time adjusting and readjusting to what had happened and what was to come. Alone with this adjustment came a new beginning for my son, he started pre-k, which for a first-time mom was a pretty big deal to me and I was enjoying being a full-time mom.

In addition to all of this, we also had to take time to meet with my attorney a few times and try to come up with a plan for trial. I don't quite remember our first encounter, but I do remember things did not tend to playout the way I had imagined. You see, in my mind I was still sure that I would be ok. I knew that in my heart that I did not know the true age of the young man, and that he had not been honest with me, so I was STILL under the impression that once that truth came out that all would be well, and I would go on with my life, and this would just be a learning experience. After one conversation with my attorney, It was starting to slowly dawn on me that it wouldn't be that easy, however, I figured ok, well that's what we have him for, I guess. It's going to be his job to make it a little easier. I was wrong again! The first time he gave my uncle an update, it was bad news. I remember him informing us that the prosecutor of the case was seeking jail time. I still wanted to know jailtime for what, did you not tell them that this boy lied? Did you not tell them that I just didn't know? I assume that didn't matter, I was not familiar with the law at all and didn't know how it worked. I had heard several times of this happening to a man, women lying about their ages and how bad it could sometimes turn out for the men. The attorney said the prosecutor wanted to make it her business to make an example out of me, to show that women can't get away with these things either. I was still trying to grasp what I was trying to "get away with" but it wasn't looking good at this point.

As time went on, I think most time my attorney was in contact with my uncle, and he would relay the messages to my mom and myself. The second offer that was presented to myself and my mother was instead of prison time, the prosecutor had been replaced and this one was willing to go with a lighter sentence. This lighter sentence seemed really heavy to me. I didn't like the sound of it either, so I requested to meet with my attorney myself to have a sit down with him. Before our meeting, I can't remember how, but I was told about another attorney in a different city. I was given his number to reach out to him. After reaching out to him and giving him details about my case, he was sure that things could possibly be different and could play out more in my favor. He felt strongly that due to the circumstances around it being the guy and myself first encounter, and me not having any previous knowledge of him that, that would make a big difference in the ruling on my behalf. The only downfall to this, was that I would need another lawyer, and this one would be far more expensive than the one we already had.

Since I knew we could definitely not afford a new attorney, and I dare not even ask mention it to my mother, I decided to take this information to my attorney and ask him if he would consider using it as a defense for me. He said it wouldn't work, and he was not going to do it. After a little back and forth, his exact words were "you want me to take a knife to a gunfight, you went in that police station and confessed to everything, there's nothing I can do, your best deal is to take the plea deal offered!" He had made it very clear that he had NO intention of even attempting to take my case before a judge. He told me that if I did try to go before a judge, he would not fight for me and that it was a strong possibility that I would go to prison for the next 15 years.

After hearing this, I spoke to the other attorney to see what I could possibly do next. I told him what I was told, and he was deeply moved and decided to take it upon himself to try to help me. He told me he knew an attorney and that he would see if he could take my case, and that he himself would pay for the fee out of his own pocket. I was so relieved, I finally had someone who wanted to hear me, help me and didn't matter the circumstances. what a relief I thought. I finally told my mom about the man, and she questioned why someone who didn't even know me was willing to pay a lawyer, it all seemed fishy for her. I told her he was a pastor and was a lawyer himself just didn't handle criminal cases. Sadly, my relief was short lived, I did speak with him a few other times and we were still on the same page, but before he was able to do anything to assist me in any way, the next time I reached out to him I was greeted by him wife and son, sadly the man who I thought would be my saving grace had, had a stroke and could not speak with me anymore due to needing time to recover. Once again, I was crushed, hurt and sad for him as well. Although I didn't know him well, I did believe he genuinely wanted to help me. This news left me back at square one with an attorney who had made it plain that the only option I had with him was to take a deal from the prosecutor. No guilty or not guilty, no innocent until proven guilty, just take this plea deal and be happy to be "free"!

Thank you once again for joining me on this journey to freedom. Thank you for reading, sharing, commenting, and anything. Your support keeps me motivated while sharing memories from a very difficult time in life. It's my prayer that my story can be a blessing to someone else and bring glory to God! Be blessed and if you have not subscribed feel free to do so and if you don't mind share with a friend!

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